about me

hello dear visitor!

Thank you for stopping by and for wanting to learn more about me and my website.


I will share my personal projects and recent learnings here, hoping to engage in interesting conversation with you or simply inspiring and bringing some creativity to everyday life.


I don’t yet know where this journey will take me, that said: let’s go off to new horizons and into the adventure that is life.

"I believe in the power of courage and kindness and that it pays off to put your heart and soul into this wonderful life."

So, what can you expect?

I will be publishing at least two posts monthly on a topic that is current for me. You can expect updates on my personal projects, ….



What matters to me is the open exchange of ideas with you. I want us to cultivate an appreciative atmosphere of togetherness and to create a space of inspiration.

On that note, thanks for your support and please get in touch with me if you have any further questions or talking points I haven’t touched upon.

As someone who is always interested in the career of others, I will share my previous education below. My aim is to show that you can always take a detour and arrive at a new and interesting destination.

the academic path i’ve taken thus far:

Process Design BA at HyperWerk

fhnw (BS)

September 2022 – now

Diplomastudies (Design & Ceramics)

kunstschule.wien (W)

October 2020 – July 2022


Neufeld Gymnasium (BE)

August 2019 – August 2020

Vocational Baccalaureate

Kaufmännische Berufsschule (SO)

August 2018 – June 2019

Business apprenticeship

Handelsschule Basel/ Manor AG (BS)

August 2015 – June 2018